2010 - 3rd World Junior Wushu Championships
Congratulations to the success of our athletes that participated in the 3rd World Junior Wushu Championships!
Dates: December 2nd to 10th, 2010
Location: Singapore
Key achievements:
2 athletes from Wayland Li represented Canada on the National Wushu Team in taolu competition
1 silver in Longfist (Terence) and 1 bronze in Straight Sword (Nan-Rong)
4 placements in the top 10 scores in empty hand, short and long weapon forms
Our athletes competed against the very best wushu teams from more than 20 countries
Canadian National JUNIOR Wushu Team, 2010
Group A
Andrea Hung
Brianna Chan
Eric Duong
Kelvin Fan
Group B
Amy Yeung
Anita Chew
Riley Chan
William Yan
Group C
Winnie Cai
Tiuana Steadford
Terence Tran (Wayland Li student)
Nan-Rong Hui (Wayland Li student)
Results for Wayland Li Athletes at the 3rd World Junior Wushu Championships
Group C Male - Changquan
Terence Tran, Silver, Score: 9.56
Nan-Rong Hui, 10th, Score: 9.46
Group C Male - Daoshu
Terence Tran, 6th, Score: 9.26
Group C Male - Jianshu
Nan-Rong Hui, Bronze, Score: 9.4
Terence, Broadsword.
Nan-Rong, Straight Sword.
Nan-Rong standing proud for Team Canada among champions from Teams China and Hong Kong.
Nan-Rong on the podium
The Sing Tao Daily featured on an article on Terence and Nan-Rong's achievements.
Original article featured in the Sing Tao on 2011-01-04:
世界少年武术大赛 加拿大小选手获银铜牌
李文启武术学院派员参赛,技惊四座,力压群雄:在C组男子少年长拳比赛中,共有44名运动员参加角逐,竞争非常激烈;Terence Tran以9.56高分勇夺银牌,仅以0.02分之微稍逊于冠军;C组男子剑术的比赛中,许南荣则以9.46高分夺取铜牌。
是次被誉为武林盛事,彪炳赛果,绝非偶尔倖至之个别事例,该院自1988年创立以来, 在良师谆谆善导,学员努力不懈,屡创佳绩之延续。
李文启武术学院之显赫成就,肇基于独特之教学训练,以科学化、系统化为原则。无论华洋学员,咸称便于学习,获益良多。其中最为杰出者,莫如Terence Tran,他只有10 岁,且首次代表加拿大参加国际性武术比赛已有骄人成绩,实令人击节赞赏。