2014 - 10th Pan-American Wushu Championships

Congratulations to the success of our athletes that participated in the 10th Pan-American Wushu Championships!

Dates: August 31 to September 8, 2014

Location: San Jose, Costa Rica

Key achievements:

  • 9 athletes from Wayland Li participated in taolu competition

  • A total of 12 medals were won by athletes from Wayland Li representing Team Canada

  • Prizes awarded to Wayland Li students for taolu events included 5 gold medals, 4 silver and 3 bronze

Master Wayland Li (far left) with students Adam, Amanda, Stanley, Erica, Rex, Caleb, Louis, Zeina, Kai-Hsin, Julia and other members of the Canadian National Wushu Team.

Canadian National Wushu Team for Pan-Am, 2014


Group A

Sarah Lam (Wayland Li student)
Anita Chew
Andrea Hung

Alfred Yang (Wayland Li student)
Victor Yang (Wayland Li student)

Group B

Tiauna Steadford
Emma Elkerton
Rose Wang
Bianco Go

Albert Yeung
Stanley Lam (Wayland Li student)
Ivan Qian
Vikram Sivaraj (Wayland Li student)

Group C

Erica Li (Wayland Li student)
Amanda Fejedelem (Wayland Li student)
Julia Fejedelem (Wayland Li student)
Lissy Liu

Jalen Chan
Paco Huang
Louis Ho (Wayland Li student)
Derek Luong


Optional Events

Jeneva Beairsto
Jiayi Huang
Svetlana Chen
Bryanne Chan

Jason Chen Leung
Ryan Chan
Kelvin Fan
William Yan
Eric Luong
Jason Wong

Results for Wayland Li Athletes at the 10th Pan-Am Wushu Championships

Group A Female - Changquan

Sarah Lam, Gold, Score: 8.70

Group B Female - Jianshu

Sarah Lam, Gold, Score: 8.91

Group A Female - Qiangshu

Sarah Lam, Gold, Score: 8.57


Group C Female - Changquan

Erica Li, Gold, Score: 9.23
Amanda Fejedelem, Silver, Score: 9.15
Julia Fejedelem, 8th, Score: 8.88

Group C Female - Jianshu

Erica Li, Gold, Score: 9.30

Group C Female - Qiangshu

Amanda Fejedelem, Silver, Score: 9.00


Group C Female - Daoshu

Julia Fejedelem, Silver, Score: 8.85


Group B Male - Changquan

Stanley Lam, 6th, Score: 8.46

Group B Male - Daoshu

Stanley Lam, Bronze, Score: 9.20

Group B Male - Gunshu

Stanley Lam, Bronze, Score: 9.02


Male - Nanquan 3rd Set

Alfred Yang, Bronze, Score: 8.65
Victor Yang, 4th, Score: 7.75

Male - Nandao Optional

Alfred Yang, 4th, Score: 9.03
Victor Yang, 7th, Score: 8.87

Male - Nangun Optional

Victor Yang, 4th, Score: 8.40
Alfred Yang, 6th, Score: 7.10


Group B Male - Nanquan

Vikram Sivaraj, 6th, Score: 8.67

Group B Male - Nandao

Vikram Sivaraj, 7th, Score: 8.30

Group B Male - Nandao

Vikram Sivaraj, 4th, Score: 8.90


Group C Male - Changquan

Louis Ho, 9th, Score: 8.78

Group C Male - Qiangshu

Louis Ho, Silver, Score: 8.98




Teams Canada and China at the 6th World Junior Wushu Championships, 2016.
Teams Canada and Hong Kong at the 6th World Junior Wushu Championships, 2016.