Wushu Demonstration

Wayland Li performance in the dance drama My Mulan

On December 22 and 23, 2019, Walyand Li students performed in the theater production of My Mulan. Congrats to all students for a wonderful performance!

The event was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.

Thank you to all the parents for your support, and a big thank you to Shifu.

Photo credits: John Liao and Kai Chang. Video credit: Kai Chang.

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My Mulan Preparation


My Mulan Rehearsal


My Mulan Performance - Acts 1, 2 and 3


My Mulan Performance - Act 4





2019 Christmas Holiday Party

Happy Holidays to all Wayland Li students and families!

On December 21, 2019, we celebrated the holidays with several exciting and fun activities:

  • Lion Dance

  • Wushu demonstration

  • Belt and certificate ceremony for all students

  • Holiday gift exchange

  • … and tons of great food brought in by every family!

This also commemorated the opening of our new location and one very special birthday.

Thanks again for all the families for making this a special holiday party.

Have a wonderful holiday and see you at Wushu training camp!


Congrats to all students on their belt progression!

Red sash students

Red sash students

Green sash students

Green sash students

Blue sash students

Blue sash students

Yellow sash students

Yellow sash students

Black sash student

Black sash student

Wushu demo at DFC Auto Group Gala

On November 30, 2019, the performance team of Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre held a wushu demonstration for the DFC Auto Group Gala. The event was held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto.

Great job everyone on an excellent display of your skills!


Lion Dance at the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the P.R. China

Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed several Wushu and Lion Dance demonstrations for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Thank you all students and parents for your efforts.


Wayland Li Wushu Demonstration at 2019 Dragon Festival

From September 6-8th, 2019, the demonstration team of Wayland Li Wushu performed at the Toronto Dragon Festival. Our athletes performed Lion Dance and Wushu along with numerous acts during the three day outdoor festival.

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2019 Scarborough Summerfest Wushu Demonstration

On July 12, 2019, the demonstration team of Wayland Li Wushu performed at the 2019 Scarborough Summerfest. The event was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, and was part of the opening variety show of a 3 day festival.

Wayland Li was honored to perform and we thank all of the athletes and parents.

Great job!


2019 Wushu Canada CNY Gala and Demo

On March 2, 2019, members of the Wayland Li competition team performed wushu at the Chinese New Year Gala for Wushu Canada, the national sports organization for Chinese martial arts in Canada. The event was held in Markham, Ontario. In attendance were coaches and masters from around the province of Ontario, and various municipal government dignitaries.

Master Li was honoured by Wushu Canada for his achievement in promoting the sport and training countless athletes for national and international competition.

Thanks everyone for a great performance!


2019 Wayland Li Wushu at RBC's Chinese New Year Gala

On February 13, 2019, the demonstration team of Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre (李文启武术学院) performed wushu at RBC's annual Chinese New Year gala ()加拿大皇家银行新春晚宴). The event was held in Markham, Canada.

Great job everyone!
