There was plenty of media coverage for Wayland Li this Spring Festival, so we had to create a second post to cover it all. Enjoy!
Fairchild Spring Festival Gala 2017
On February 5, 2017, Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre was invited to perform again for the annual Fairchild Spring Festival Gala.
Fairchild posted a detailed review of the event and our students were featured prominently for their Wushu demonstration, noting their powerful performance (“李文啟武術學校氣勢澎湃的演出”).
Group pose to close the Wushu performance.
Dylan's flying front kick.
Farewell ensemble to end the gala.
Waving goodbye.
Original article on the Fairchild website dated 2017/02/10:
由加拿大中文電台主辦,新時代電視、城市電視、娛樂生活雜誌協辦及由加拿大豐業銀行作為首席榮譽贊助之《四海同聲丁酉雞年大型春節聯歡晚會》, 已於2月5日大年初九假大多倫多中華文化中心何伯釗劇院圓滿落幕。
Presented by Scotiabank, organized by Fairchild Radio and co-organized by Fairchild Television, Talentvision and PLEM, the 8th annual Fairchild Spring Festival Gala, which was held on Feb 5, 2017, was a huge success...
是次四海同聲邀請到中國駐多倫多總領事館副總領事徐偉先生及加拿大豐業銀行多元文化部代表 Jessie Huang光臨,以及得到眾多本地華人團體和各方藝術家的鼎力支持,加上台前幕後工作人員的努力,為各位來賓呈獻了一場精彩絕倫的晚會,一同共度新春!
Spring Festival Gala for the Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations
On February 10, 2017, Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre attended the Spring Festival Gala hosted by the Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations (多伦多华联总会). Our students performed Lion Dance and Wushu routines for a packed crowd of government officials and members of the business community.
Red Maple News covered the event and featured several pictures of our students in their February 14th article .
Lions eating lucky lettuce.
Group picture with our Lions.
Wushu performance by Wayland Li students.
Market Village Spring Festival Celebration sponsored by Fairchild Radio and the TD Group
On February 11, 2017, students from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed Lion Dance and Wushu at Market Village in Markham, Ontario. Fairchild Radio and TD Group sponsored the event, and our performance was captured in a short article on the Fairchild website.
Eye-dotting ceremony to bring the Lions to life.
Lions revealing good luck scrolls.
Lion dance in action. 李文啟武術學院帶來醒獅表演
Eating lucky lettuce.
Wushu kids perform a group form routine. 李文啟武術學院功夫表演
Group staff form.
Original article on the Fairchild website dated 2017/02/13:
「城市歡樂賀金雞」的節目尚未開始,現場已經人頭湧湧!當日大會司儀: 蘇敏聰、胡懿恩、林峰,歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽冠軍 Lauren Liu 及 DJ 所羅門 演唱歌曲,還有舞蹈、醒獅功夫表演。還有2016 超級新星多個創意十足的才藝表演,DJ駱曦以財神造型,為觀眾朋友們送上祝福!那麼就讓我們一起回顧當天的舞台吧。
On Feb 11, 2017, Fairchild Radio celebrated the Chinese Valentine's Day at Market Village.... Sponsored by TD Group, the events featured Lion Dance, Singing performances, Kung Foo demonstrations and the 2016-2017 Fairchild New Stars Talent Contest.