On February 1, 2019, the demonstration team of Wayland Li Wushu (李文启武术学院) performed lion dance at the Spring Festival Gala hosted by the Chinese Consulate in Greater Toronto.
2019 Wushu Demo at the Henan Association of Canada Spring Festival
On Saturday, January 26, 2019, the demonstration team of Wayland Li Wushu (李文启武术学院) performed at the Henan Association of Canada Spring Festival (加拿大河南同乡新春晚宴). The event was held in Richmond Hill, Canada. The evening featured performances in wushu, dance and Henan Opera.
Thanks everyone for a successful performance!
Media coverage:
2019 Wushu Demo at "China Story" Lunar New Year Gala
On January 19, 2019, the demonstration team from Wayland li Wushu performed at the 2019 “China Story” Lunar New Year Gala (2019 加拿大华人华侨春晚《中国故事》). The event was held at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.
Thank you everyone for coming to showcase your skills and putting on a great performance!
Jia you!
Wayland Li Wushu at Fairchild Spring Festival Gala
On February 18, 2018, members of the demonstration team from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre (李文启武术学院) performed at Fairchild's Spring Festival Gala 2018 (四海同声 - 春节晚会).
The performance featured three parts. The first act was lion dance drumming performed by Fairchild DJs Elissa (高瑩), Edwin (駱曦) and Amy (胡懿恩), and members from Wayland Li. The second and third performances were Wushu demonstrations by Wayland Li's competition team. The event was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.
A big thank you to all the parent volunteers, students and of course, Shifu and Shimu. An amazing performance!
Lion Dance For Ford at Toronto AutoShow
On February 17, 2018, members of Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed lion dance at the Toronto AutoShow on behalf of Ford Canada.
Great job everyone!
2018 Chinese New Year Gala (海外春晚) Lion and Dragon Dance Performance
On February 15, 2018, members of the lion and dragon dance team from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed at the 2018 Spring Festival Gala (海外春晚) in Toronto, Canada.
The event was hosted by Canada National Television (加拿大国家电视台), and held at the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts.
Our team was comprised of 4 lions and 2 dragons. Great job everyone - you were all a smashing success!
2018 Spring Festival Reception hosted by the Chinese Consulate Toronto
On February 9, 2018, the lion dance team from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed at the Chinese New Year reception hosted by the Chinese Consulate of Greater Toronto.
Congrats to our two lions and Buddhas!
Media coverage for our Chinese New Year Wushu and Lion Dance performances (Part 2)
There was plenty of media coverage for Wayland Li this Spring Festival, so we had to create a second post to cover it all. Enjoy!
Fairchild Spring Festival Gala 2017
On February 5, 2017, Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre was invited to perform again for the annual Fairchild Spring Festival Gala.
Fairchild posted a detailed review of the event and our students were featured prominently for their Wushu demonstration, noting their powerful performance (“李文啟武術學校氣勢澎湃的演出”).
Group pose to close the Wushu performance.
Dylan's flying front kick.
Farewell ensemble to end the gala.
Waving goodbye.
Original article on the Fairchild website dated 2017/02/10:
由加拿大中文電台主辦,新時代電視、城市電視、娛樂生活雜誌協辦及由加拿大豐業銀行作為首席榮譽贊助之《四海同聲丁酉雞年大型春節聯歡晚會》, 已於2月5日大年初九假大多倫多中華文化中心何伯釗劇院圓滿落幕。
Presented by Scotiabank, organized by Fairchild Radio and co-organized by Fairchild Television, Talentvision and PLEM, the 8th annual Fairchild Spring Festival Gala, which was held on Feb 5, 2017, was a huge success...
是次四海同聲邀請到中國駐多倫多總領事館副總領事徐偉先生及加拿大豐業銀行多元文化部代表 Jessie Huang光臨,以及得到眾多本地華人團體和各方藝術家的鼎力支持,加上台前幕後工作人員的努力,為各位來賓呈獻了一場精彩絕倫的晚會,一同共度新春!
Spring Festival Gala for the Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations
On February 10, 2017, Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre attended the Spring Festival Gala hosted by the Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations (多伦多华联总会). Our students performed Lion Dance and Wushu routines for a packed crowd of government officials and members of the business community.
Red Maple News covered the event and featured several pictures of our students in their February 14th article .
Lions eating lucky lettuce.
Group picture with our Lions.
Wushu performance by Wayland Li students.
Market Village Spring Festival Celebration sponsored by Fairchild Radio and the TD Group
On February 11, 2017, students from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed Lion Dance and Wushu at Market Village in Markham, Ontario. Fairchild Radio and TD Group sponsored the event, and our performance was captured in a short article on the Fairchild website.
Eye-dotting ceremony to bring the Lions to life.
Lions revealing good luck scrolls.
Lion dance in action. 李文啟武術學院帶來醒獅表演
Eating lucky lettuce.
Wushu kids perform a group form routine. 李文啟武術學院功夫表演
Group staff form.
Original article on the Fairchild website dated 2017/02/13:
「城市歡樂賀金雞」的節目尚未開始,現場已經人頭湧湧!當日大會司儀: 蘇敏聰、胡懿恩、林峰,歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽冠軍 Lauren Liu 及 DJ 所羅門 演唱歌曲,還有舞蹈、醒獅功夫表演。還有2016 超級新星多個創意十足的才藝表演,DJ駱曦以財神造型,為觀眾朋友們送上祝福!那麼就讓我們一起回顧當天的舞台吧。
On Feb 11, 2017, Fairchild Radio celebrated the Chinese Valentine's Day at Market Village.... Sponsored by TD Group, the events featured Lion Dance, Singing performances, Kung Foo demonstrations and the 2016-2017 Fairchild New Stars Talent Contest.
Media coverage for our Chinese New Year Wushu and Lion Dance performances (Part 1)
Happy Year of the Rooster!
This has been a busy CNY holiday season. Our Wayland Li Wushu and Lion Dance teams were booked solid for three weeks. We were recently featured in the Chinese media. Here is a flavor of the articles and pictures capturing our performances!
Chinese Consulate Spring Festival Reception - January 26, 2017
On January 26, 2017, Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre was invited to perform Lion Dance at a Spring Festival reception hosted by the Chinese Consulate (驻多伦多总领馆举行2017年春节招待会).
The event was attended by Canadian and Chinese government officials, members of the private sector, as well as Canada's newly announced ambassador to China, the Honourable John McCallum. Our Lion Dance team was featured in the article posted on the consulate's website. Read more about the event (in Chinese) on the consulate's site (http://toronto.china-consulate.org/chn/zxdt/t1435134.htm).
Wayland Li Lion Dance team in action.
Children's Spring Festival Celebration - January 27, 2017
On January 27, 2017, three students from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed in the "Children's Spring Festival Celebration" (孩子们的春晚). The event was held at John A. MacDonald C.I. in Scarborough and featured dance, singing and other artistic performances to celebrate the lunar new year. Liberal MP Geng Tan hosted the gala, and the show's producer named our Wayland Li group "The Rhythm of Martial Arts" or 《武韵》.
Reporters from CCCTV captured two of our students in action with television coverage.
Additionally, the Chinese Canadian Voice published the article below describing the intent of the gala, the planning and performances, and a shout-out to our Wushu kids in action.
Pictures from an article in the Chinese Canadian Voice
Wushu kids jitiquan.
Staff form in action.
Original article in the Chinese Canadian Voice dated 2017 / 02 /04:
但是,1月27日晚上青少年未来发展基金会(Youth Future Foundation)精心组织的“孩子们的春晚(Children’s Spring Festival Celebration),估计让大多伦多地区的许多小朋友对春晚有全新的认识。
正如黄幸来博士在发言中指出,今年是春节(Spring Festival)得到加拿大联邦政府正式认可作为节日的第一年,同时也是加拿大建国150周年。在这个特殊的日子,让孩子们自己来表演,让全家老少一起来参与,这一定是孩子们最开心的事情。
Chinese Consulate Spring Festival Gala - February 3, 2017
On February 3rd, 2017, students from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre were invited to perform Wushu for a Spring Festival event hosted by the Chinese Consulate of Greater Toronto. The performance was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre. Our students were featured in several of the articles below.
Posting on the Chinese Consulate of Greater Toronto website
The consulate posted a summary describing the February 3rd gala and included a photo of our students in action.
Original article here: http://toronto.china-consulate.org/chn/zxdt/t1437010.htm
Mr. Xue Bing, Consul General.
Wayland Li Wushu champions in action.
Article in the Chinese Canadian Voice
An article in the Chinese Canadian Voice covered the events of the February 3rd CNY gala. The performance was attended by more than 600 people, and represented officials from the municipal, provincial and federal levels of the Canadian government. Wayland Li received a brief mention in the article along with a picture of one of our students performing broadsword.
Original article: http://www.chinesecanadianvoice.ca/90763/
Ian is mid-flight performing butterfly kick during his broadsword routine.
Article in ChinaNews.com
A brief article in Chinanews.com (中国新闻网) described the February 3rd CNY gala and summarizes the main highlights of the evening. One picture covered the action on stage and captured the moment our students were performing their closing stances to end the performance.
Young Wushu champions from Wayland Li.
Original article on Chinanews.com dated 2017 / 02 /04:
当地时间2017年2月3日晚,中国驻多伦多总领事馆在大多伦多中华文化中心何伯钊剧院主办“中国梦·游子情”春节联欢晚会。自2017年起,加拿大政府将每年农历正月初一至十五正式宣布为“春节”。中国驻多伦多总领事薛冰表示,春节从今年开始成为中加两国的共同节日,希望通过举办这台晚会,为大多伦多地区春节庆祝活动再添光彩,同时增进中国与加拿大两国人民之间的友谊。图为多伦多当地武术学院学生的中国功夫表演。中新社记者 余瑞冬 摄
Article in the Red Maple News
Red Maple News covered the February 3rd Chinese Consulate CNY event, with photos that featured Wushu students from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre.
Original article here:
Mandatory group pose.
Our nine-section whips were equipped with lights, which had an unique impact on this reporter's camera shot.
Splendid China Mall Spring Festival Gala - February 3, 2017
On February 3, 2017, Wayland Li performed Wushu and Lion Dance demonstrations at Splendid China Mall (锦绣中华) in Markham to commemorate CNY. The event was featured in several media outlets. An article on YorkBBS prominently highlighted our students with photos and a brief write-up. Below are the pictures and original article.
Group pose to end the Wushu demo.
Shifu Li and the V.I.P.s.
Amazing strength by our lion dance teams.
Original article on YorkBBS dated 2017 / 02 /03:
首个多族裔参与庆贺的2017加拿大法定节日中国春节,锦绣中华的新年倒数晚会可谓是不同凡响。各个族裔的精彩节目,三位著名主持人,众多VIP现场致词,万锦市市长Frank Scarpitti惊喜献唱,无一不为这特别的新年倒数晚会增添光彩!
本次晚会受到主流社会高度重视,现场可谓嘉宾云集,盛况空前。如:万锦市市长Frank Scarpitti ,省议员Shaun Chen, 省议员Soo Wong, 市议员Allan Ho, 市议员Nirmala Armstrong, 市议员Sandra Yeung 纷纷前来致以春节的问候以及对鸡年的祝福。值得一提的是万锦市市长Frank Scarpitti惊喜献唱两首中文歌曲,两首深情又标准的中文歌曲把晚会推上了高潮。市长即兴献唱的同时,几名颇有勇气的舞者自发上台为他即兴伴舞,深受Frank真诚的演唱而影响,没有任何编排却随歌起舞。
不仅仅有万锦市市长的高歌,还有众多高水平高标准的精彩表演。多伦多俄罗斯杂技团,热情的桑巴舞娘,美丽动人的希腊女神,神秘的魔术王子Ryan Broen , 青春靓丽S.O.T组合,童声组合小天使合唱团,瑞特模特一众佳丽,李文启中华武术团队等纷纷精彩献艺。
现场气氛热烈,万人空巷,随着各专业团队的现场表演,在观众热烈的掌声与欢呼中迎来了2017倒数时刻! 台上舞龙舞狮,礼花飞扬。并请财神派红包,派送鸡年公仔。财神到,好运到,好运连连运势俏!
Wayland Li Wushu, Fairchild Spring Festival Gala 2017 | 《四海同聲》春節晚會 - 李文啟武術學院
CNY demonstrations continue!
On 5 February 2017, the students of Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed a wushu demonstration at the 8th Fairchild Spring Festival Gala (《四海同聲》春節晚會). The event was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.
Our wushu kids did a spectacular job - amazing! Hard work pays off.
A big thank you to all the parent volunteers and especially Shifu and Shimu.