Wushu Demonstration

2019 Wushu Demo at the Henan Association of Canada Spring Festival

On Saturday, January 26, 2019, the demonstration team of Wayland Li Wushu (李文启武术学院) performed at the Henan Association of Canada Spring Festival (加拿大河南同乡新春晚宴). The event was held in Richmond Hill, Canada. The evening featured performances in wushu, dance and Henan Opera.

Thanks everyone for a successful performance!


2019 Wushu Demo at "China Story" Lunar New Year Gala

On January 19, 2019, the demonstration team from Wayland li Wushu performed at the 2019 “China Story” Lunar New Year Gala (2019 加拿大华人华侨春晚《中国故事》). The event was held at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.

Thank you everyone for coming to showcase your skills and putting on a great performance!

Jia you!


Wushu Demo for 2019 New Year Gala of the Council of Newcomers Association

On December 30, 2018, Wayland Li Wushu’s lion dance and wushu team put on a performance at the 2019 New Year’s Gala for the Council of Newcomers Organization. The event was held in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Thanks to everyone for an awesome demonstration!

Jia you!


We celebrate 20 years of Wushu excellence

On November 24, 2018, the Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre celebrated its 20th anniversary of Wushu training in Markham, Ontario, Canada. Thank you everyone for coming to the gala and supporting the school!

Former and current students attended the event, along with various special guests, which altogether totaled more than 600 people in attendance.

Check it out!


Wushu demonstration with Wudang Mountain delegation

On September 29, 2018, athletes from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre were invited to perform with visiting members of Wudang Mountain from China.

It was a great opportunity for wushu exchange!


Mid-Autumn Festival Demo for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visit

On September 21, 2018, members of the Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre demonstration team performed Lion Dance and Wushu for the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. The visit was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, and celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival.

Health Awareness Day Demonstration

On September 9, 2018 members of the Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre demonstration team performed at the annual Health Awareness Day (健康關注日). The event was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.

Congrats to our youngest students for putting on a great show!

Thank you Mr. Thomas Tam and the organizing committee for your warm invitation.


Wayland Li Wushu at Fairchild Spring Festival Gala

On February 18, 2018, members of the demonstration team from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre (李文启武术学院) performed at Fairchild's Spring Festival Gala 2018 (四海同声 - 春节晚会).

The performance featured three parts. The first act was lion dance drumming performed by Fairchild DJs Elissa (高瑩), Edwin (駱曦) and Amy (胡懿恩), and members from Wayland Li. The second and third performances were Wushu demonstrations by Wayland Li's competition team. The event was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.

A big thank you to all the parent volunteers, students and of course, Shifu and Shimu. An amazing performance!

Wushu Demo at Beijing Opera Spring Festival

On January 28, 2018, the demonstration team from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed at the Spring Festival celebration of Beijing Opera (歡樂春節 2018新年戲曲晚會).

The occasion was hosted by the Canada Chinese Opera Centre and featured visiting performers Yu Kuizhi (于魁智) and Li Shengsu (李胜素). 

Great job performance team!


Wushu Demonstration at the 2017 Martial Arts Festival

On 2 December 2017, the students of Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre (李文启武术学院) performed a wushu demonstration at the Toronto Martial Arts Festival. 

The event featured performances from martial arts schools from around Toronto, and members of the Shaolin Temple that traveled from China.