Chinese Cultural Centre

Wushu and Lion Dance Demos for Family Day Weekend

To close out the Lunar New Year festivities, the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto invited Wayland Li Wushu to perform at the Aga Khan Museum over the February break long weekend (Feb 15-17).

Each day consisted of two lion dances throughout the museum interacting with the crowds of familes, and a wushu demonstration on the event stage.

Great job everyone!

Chinese Cultural Centre Demo Complete!

Non-stop wushu? Non-stop lion and dragon dance? We got it - no problem.

On February 10th, Wayland Li Wushu performed at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto for the Year of the Dragon festival.

Jia you!

Kicking off 2024 with Winter Training Camp!!

Welcome 2024!

We’re excited by the promise of the new year, and started off with a 2-week training camp during the winter holidays. Our competitive athletes spent the time brushing up on the basic fundamentals, learning new routines, and working hard to raise our skills for the upcoming competition year.

Also, we were joined by friends from two Ontario provincial schools: Sunny Tang Wushu and Wushu Ottawa. It was awesome to train together, and hope everyone had a great time.

Let’s go 2024!

Summerfest 2023 Wushu Performance

On July 8, 2023, we performed Wushu at the 2023 Summerfest in Scarborough at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.

Thank you to the CCC for having us!!

Wushu + Lion Dance at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto

On January 22, 2023, our team performed at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater China with an amazing Lion Dance and Wushu demonstration. Congrats all.

Xin Nian Kuai Le!

2019 Wayland Li Wushu at CCC Year of the Pig Banquet

On February 8, 2019, the Wayland Li demonstration team performed wushu at the Year of the Pig Banquet hosted by the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.

Happy Year of the Pig!


Health Awareness Day Demonstration

On September 9, 2018 members of the Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre demonstration team performed at the annual Health Awareness Day (健康關注日). The event was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.

Congrats to our youngest students for putting on a great show!

Thank you Mr. Thomas Tam and the organizing committee for your warm invitation.


Wushu Demo at Beijing Opera Spring Festival

On January 28, 2018, the demonstration team from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed at the Spring Festival celebration of Beijing Opera (歡樂春節 2018新年戲曲晚會).

The occasion was hosted by the Canada Chinese Opera Centre and featured visiting performers Yu Kuizhi (于魁智) and Li Shengsu (李胜素). 

Great job performance team!


2017 Health Awareness Day Wushu Demonstration

On 10 September 2017, Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed a wushu demonstration for Health Awareness Day (健康关注日) at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (大多伦多中华文化中心).

Thanks to the parent volunteers and student performers. Great job everyone!