
Congrats Erica & Rex on outstanding achievements at Worlds!

Congrats Erica and Rex on your outstanding achievements at the 16th World Wushu Championships in Texas, USA.

You should be extremely proud of your accomplishments - we were thrilled watching the livestream and cheering you on!

Well done!

We're ready for the 16th World Wushu Championships!

The 16th World Wushu Championships are around the corner, and our athletes are ready to represent Team Canada on the global stage!

This year’s championships are hosted in Dallas, Texas from November 14-22, 2023.

From Wayland Li Wushu, we have two athletes on the national team: Erica Li competing in the Women’s Division, and Rex Lam competing in the Men’s Division.

Good luck to the both of you!

Jia you! 加油!

11th Pan-Am Wushu Championships in Texas

The 11th Pan-American Wushu Championships (PAWC) was held in Lubbock, Texas and 10 athletes from Wayland Li represented Canada.  Congratulations Erica, Zeina, Rex, Stanley, Amanda, Julia, Adam, Louis, Kai-Hsin and Caleb.  Together our athletes took home 3 gold medals, 6 silver and 3 bronze. Superb!