Wushu Competition

Team Canada competes at the 2019 Chungju World Martial Arts Masterships

The Chungju World Martial Arts Masterships were held from August 30-September 6, 2019 in Chungju, South Korea. The event brought together athletes from over 100 countries, and Wayland Li team members (as well as friends from Calgary and Vancouver) represented Team Canada in the Wushu event.

We would also like to thank the staff at the Canadian Embassy in Seoul for hosting us during our visit.

Rex Lam, Dylan Liu and Rasa Rahnema competed in the event. Congrats everyone for your amazing achievements!


Good luck at Nationals (and school will be closed May 25-26th)

Good luck to all the athletes — beginners and seasoned competitors — at this year’s Canadian Wushu Nationals. This is where all of your hard work pays off.

And a special thanks to all of the parents for their support, Shimu for getting everyone’s weapons and silks ready, and of course, Shifu for his countless hours dedicated to coaching.

Work hard and have fun!

Jia you!


2018 U.S. Challenge X

Congratulations to our 7 athletes from Wayland Li that competed in the 2018 U.S. Challenge X (美国精英赛)! 

The October 7th, 2018 competition was organized by the U.S. Wushu Academy, as well as support from Kung Fu Magazine (TigerClaw), Zhao Changjun Wushu Academy and World Swordsmen Federation.

In addition, the event hosted a “Train with Coach Wu Bin (吴彬)” workshop the day before the tournament. Our students were very honored and excited to train with Jet Li and Zhang Laoshi’s coach.

Thanks very much to Mr. Christopher Pei and Coach Zhang Guifeng for the warm welcome.


We celebrate World Wushu-Kungfu Day!

Did you know that August 11, 2018 was the first official World Wushu-Kungfu Day (WWKD) and it was proudly celebrated around the world?

The inaugural event marks the beginning of an annual day to celebrate wushu-kungfu. It was organized by the International Wushu Federation (IWUF) to raise global awareness of all styles and practitioners, whether traditional or contemporary wushu competition forms. 


Here in Canada, our national organization Wushu Canada hosted an event at the L’Amoreaux Community Centre and numerous wushu schools came together to celebrate the occasion.

Several Wayland Li students participated in the Wushu Warrior Circuit Training Challenge, consisting of a timed trail circuit that required athletes to jump, sprint and use strength to get through a challenging obstacle course. 

Congrats to all of our athletes and hope you had a fun time!


Congrats World Junior Wushu Champions!

Congratulations to all seven champions from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre that competed in the 7th World Junior Wushu Championships in Brazil! It has been a long road of training and we are so proud of each of you. Great job representing Team Canada!

A special mention goes out to Adam Shaltout for winning a bronze medal in Group C Gunshu, and Kai-Hsin Chang for winning a bronze medal in Group C Daoshu. Your achievements inspire us!



Good luck at Worlds in Brazil!

On July 9-16, 2018, seven athletes from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre will compete in the 7th World Junior Wushu Championships. This year's competition is hosted in Brasilia, Brazil, and our athletes will represent Canada in:

  • Group A - Changquan, Daoshu, Gunshu; Nanquan, Nandao, Nangun
  • Group B - Changquan, Daoshu, Jianshu, Gunshu, Qiangshu
  • Group C - Changquan, Daoshu, Gunshu

Good luck to Rex, Rasa, Erica, Caleb, Zeina, Adam and Kai-Hsin.


Here is the promotional video introducing the event, compiled by the IWUF and Brazil's wushu organization.

More information can be found on the competition's website (https://www.7thwjwc.com/), including a schedule of events and results for the Taolu and Sanda events.

Good luck to Team Canada and jia you!

2018 Canadian National Junior Wushu Team Selections

Congratulates to all 30 athletes from Wayland Li that competed in the 2018 Canadian Nationals on May 19-20, 2018! 

Key Achievements:

  • 7 athletes from Wayland Li Wushu selected to represent Canada on the Junior National Wushu Team, including Rex Lam, Rasa Rahnema, Erica Li, Caleb Akai, Zeina Shaltout, Adam Shaltout and Kai-Hsin Chang.
  • 19 athletes participated in High Performance taolu divisions, finishing with gold, silver and bronze medal achievements.
  • Open events: 10 students participated in competition for the first time, taking home several gold, silver and bronze medals.

Congrats Wayland Li Athletes at Ontario Winter Games

Congratulations to all of the Wayland Li athletes that participated in the 2018 Ontario Winter Games!

The event was held from May 1-4, 2018 at Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes Secondary School. The event brought together Ontario's best athletes in Taolu, Traditional Forms and Sanda.

Wayland Li had a total of 23 athletes compete, bringing a total of 15 medals.



Alfred Yang

Groups A+B

Julia Fejedelem
Amanda Fejedelem
Ashley Liu

Rex Lam
Dylan Liu
Kevin Lu
Caleb Akai
Ian Chan
Louis Ho

Group C

Calysta Liao
Sophia Liao
Angelina Liu
Amanda Sun
Chloe Lee
Kaitlyn Wang
Candace Choy
Lia Tang-Ruggiero

Ian Gao
Allen Liu
Michael Lee
Kai-Hsin Chang
Alfred Liu


Seniors combined event handform, short and long weapon (male)
Alfred Yang - 3rd place

Group A+B combined changquan, daoshu and gunshu (female)
Julia Fejedelem - 2nd place

Group A+B combined changquan, jianshu and qiangshu (female)
Ashley Liu - 1st place
Amanda Fejedelem - 2nd place

Group A+B combined changquan, daoshu and gunshu (male)
Rex Lam - 1st place
Dylan Liu - 3rd place

Group A+B combined changquan, jianshu and qiangshu (male)
Louis Ho - 1st place

Group C combined changquan, daoshu and gunshu (female)
Kaitlyn Wang - 1st place
Lia Tang-Ruggiero - 3rd place

Group C combined changquan, jianshu and qiangshu (female)
Amanda Sun - 1st place
Chloe Lee - 2nd place
Candace Choy - 3rd place

Group C combined changquan, daoshu and gunshu (male)
Kai-Hsin Chang - 1st place
Allen Liu - 2nd place
Alfred Liu - 3rd place

Wushu Official Event at Ontario Winter Games

The Ontario Winter Games will run from March 1-4, 2018 and Wushu will be an official sport featured at the Games.

The event is organized by the Ontario Winter Games and Wushu Ontario, and will be held at the Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School.

The Wushu division will feature Sanda and Wushu Taolu competitive events.

Athletes from Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre will be competing at the Games.

Jia you!


Congrats to our Wushu taolu athletes!

Congratulations to all of our athletes that participated in the December 2017 Toronto International Tournament of Martial Arts Champions. The event was sanctioned by Wushu Ontario and recognized by Wushu Canada and the IWUF.

Everyone did great - your hard work paid off!

A special thank you to Shifu Li for the countless hours he put into getting our athletes ready for showtime.

Jia you!