Wushu Demonstration

Wushu Performance at the 2017 CNY Gala sponsored by the Chinese Consulate

More wushu performances to celebrate the Year of the Rooster!

On 3 February 2017, the wushu demonstration team of Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre performed in the 2017 Spring Festival Gala (2017年春节联欢晚会) at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.  The event was sponsored by the Consulate-General of the P.R.C. in Toronto.

A superb performance!

中国驻多伦多总领馆举办的主题为"中国梦,游子情"春晚花絮。Highlights from the 2017 performance hosted by the Chinese Consulate in Toronto.

Wushu Demonstration at Moon Festival

Wayland Li Martial Centre performed at the Moon Festival, hosted in Woodbine Mall.  The event was organized by the Federation of Chinese Canadians in Markham. The team performed individual routines, group forms and duilian. Well done team!

Wayland Li mentioned by Xinhua for Chinese New Year Wushu Performance

Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre was mentioned by China's media group Xinhua for our Wushu performance. The event was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto on February 6, 2016.

Well done team!

Original link: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/photo/2016-02/07/c_135082108.htm.

Trip to Beijing, China to Perform on CCTV

Congratulations Erica, Ashley, Amanda and Julia for winning 1 out of 6 spots to represent Canada and perform at CCTV's annual Chinese New Year Gala in Beijing, China. Well done!

Spark Star Competition

Congratulations to Erica, Julia and Amanda for winning the Respon/Spark Star Competition, age group 9-10 year olds, and also winning Best Stage Presence overall. Great job!