Wayland Li mentioned by Xinhua for Chinese New Year Wushu Performance

Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre was mentioned by China's media group Xinhua for our Wushu performance. The event was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto on February 6, 2016.

Well done team!

Original link: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/photo/2016-02/07/c_135082108.htm.

2014 Winter Holiday Party

A great Wushu demonstration during the 2014 holiday party, and congratulations to students that passed sash testing.  See you in the new year!

Trip to Beijing, China to Perform on CCTV

Congratulations Erica, Ashley, Amanda and Julia for winning 1 out of 6 spots to represent Canada and perform at CCTV's annual Chinese New Year Gala in Beijing, China. Well done!

10th Pan-Am Wushu Championships, Costa Rica

Nine students from Wayland Li were selected to represent Canada at the 2014 PanAm Wushu Championships. We were awarded a total of 12 medals, including 5 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze.  Congratulations to everyone for your achievements and to Sarah and Erica for your gold medal performances!

2014 Youth Olympics, Wushu Tournament in Nanjing, China

Nima represented Canada at the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympics, placing second in Jianshu and fifth in Qiangshu against global competitors.  Amazing achievement!