Aga Khan Musuem

Wushu and Lion Dance Demos for Family Day Weekend

To close out the Lunar New Year festivities, the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto invited Wayland Li Wushu to perform at the Aga Khan Museum over the February break long weekend (Feb 15-17).

Each day consisted of two lion dances throughout the museum interacting with the crowds of familes, and a wushu demonstration on the event stage.

Great job everyone!

Family Day Weekend Lunar New Year Demo

Three days in a row of Wushu performances, and Lion and Dragon Dances!

Thank you Aga Khan Musuem and the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto for hosting us to showcase our team at your Family Day Weekend events.

Great job everyone!

Canada Day Wushu Demo!

On July 3rd, 2023, the performance team of Wayland Li Wushu held a demonstration at the Aga Khan Museum for Canada Day festivities. The event was sponsored by the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCC), and featured a Wushu and Lion Dance performance by our team of athletes.

Well done everyone! Happy Canada Day! 🍁🍁🍁

Wushu and Lion Dance Demo at Aga Khan Museum

On February 18-20, 2023, the Wayland Li Wushu team performance a lion dance and wushu demonstration for Lunar New Year at the Aga Khan Museum.

The Family Day weekend event was held to celebrate Lunar New Year in partnership with the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.

Great job team for another awesome performance!

Photo credits: Nalina Sacoor.