Lunar New Year

Wushu and Lion Dance Demos for Family Day Weekend

To close out the Lunar New Year festivities, the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto invited Wayland Li Wushu to perform at the Aga Khan Museum over the February break long weekend (Feb 15-17).

Each day consisted of two lion dances throughout the museum interacting with the crowds of familes, and a wushu demonstration on the event stage.

Great job everyone!

Wushu Demo at Lunar New Year for Wushu Canada Celebration

On February 9, 2025, members of the Wayland Li Wushu team performed alongside other schools at the annual Wushu Canada celebration for Lunar New Year. It was a blast to have the opportunity to perform among Canada’s best wushu athletes and masters. Thank you Master Sunny Tang and Alan Tang.

Great job everyone with the fierce performance!

First Lunar New Year Performance Complete!

Our first Lunar New Year performance is complete!

On January 11, 2025, we put a wushu demonstration for the variety show “Chinese Stories, Chinese New Year” at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.

Great job everyone. Many more to go…

Burlington Performing Arts Centre Demo Complete!

On February 10th, we performed at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre for Year of the Dragon festivities.

That makes three demos in one day! Phew…

Well done everyone.

Wushu Demonstration

Lion and Dragon Dance

Lunar New Year Wushu Demos!

Happy Lunar New Year!! Happy Year of the Rabbit!

Wayland Li Wushu performed several demonstrations around the Markham/Richmond Hill area, as well as downtown Toronto at Meridian Hall.

Congrats everyone!