Wushu Champions at the 2023 Ontario Winter Games!

Congratulations to the success of all 53 athletes from Wayland Li Wushu that competed in the 2023 Ontario Winter Games!

The biannual Ontario Winter Games is supported by the Ontario Government through its Games Ontario program. The provincial sports program attracts more than 3,000 participants competing in over 20 sports. Wushu has been an official sport of the games since 2018.

The competition was held February 10th to 12th in Arnprior, Ontario.

Key achievements:

  • More than 30+ athletes competing for the first time in high performance wushu competition

  • 8 gold medals among Rex Lam, Rasa Rahnema, Thomas Chen, Chloe Lee, Sophia Liao, Eason Gao, Ryan Gao and Melody Lin

  • 7 silver medals among Sissi Tu, Michael Lee, Alex Yang, Ellie Jiang, Elva Wang, Liya Thurairajah, Lily (Jiarui) Li

  • 6 bronze medal among Amanda Sun, Clara Tang-Ruggiero, Jediah Tu, Candice Leung, Benjamin Li and Emily Feng

Congrats to everyone - your hard work paid off!

And a special congratulations to Shifu Li for your dedication and leadership in bringing more than 50+ athletes to competition-ready status with only 2-3 months of training!

Jia you!

Wushu + Lion Dance at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto

On January 22, 2023, our team performed at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater China with an amazing Lion Dance and Wushu demonstration. Congrats all.

Xin Nian Kuai Le!

Wushu + Lion Dance at Lunar New Year Demo in Burlington

Another Lunar New Year demo! This time we performed for the RCI (Redleaf Cultural Integration 红叶文化协会) show at the Burlington Centre for the Performing Arts.

The event called RCI Spring Festival 2023 (红叶春晚) was held on January 21, 2023. Our team performed both Lion Dance and Wushu.

Happy Year of the Rabbit!

Wushu at the 2023 Children's Spring Festival

On January 21, 2023, members of the Wayland Li demo team performed wushu for a Lunar New Year at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts. The event was the 2023 Children’s Spring Festival (2023年孩子们的春晚) and we brought wushu to the festivities!

Congrats to Amanda, Chloe, Michael, Sophia, Alex, Robert, Roberta, Thomas, Angelica, Ryan and Eason.

Happy Year of the Rabbit.

Jia you!

Lunar New Year Wushu Demos!

Happy Lunar New Year!! Happy Year of the Rabbit!

Wayland Li Wushu performed several demonstrations around the Markham/Richmond Hill area, as well as downtown Toronto at Meridian Hall.

Congrats everyone!

We Celebrate our World Champions!!!

On December 18th, 2022, we held a celebration party for the 8 Wayland Li athletes that competed in the 2022 8th World Junior Wushu Championships. The party was attended by the athletes and their families, as well as the existing students, parents and supporters of our school. It was a great way to celebrate our team’s success on the world stage!

We would also like to thank all the generous donors that supported the team - your gesture is much appreciated!

Also, thank you to the team at Canada Newstar Talent for covering the event and interviewing our team members, Coach Erica and Shifu. Very cool!

Champions at the 2022 World Junior Wushu Championships!

Congratulations to the success of all 12 athletes from Team Canada, including 8 from Wayland Li Wushu, that participated in the 8th World Junior Wushu Championships! The event was held from December 3rd to 11th in Tangerang, Indonesia.

Key achievements:

  • Gold medal in Group B Gunshu, Silver medal in Group B Changquan and Bronze medal in Group B Daoshu for Lia Tang-Ruggiero

  • Bronze medal in Group C Daoshu for Venus Li

  • Bronze medal in Group C Gunshu for Sophia Liao

  • Caleb Akai, Amanda Sun, Chris Gao, Allen Liu and Marcus Li finishing with top 10 or better placements in their respective divisions

  • Congrats to all of the Canadian athletes - you are all winners and represented Canada proudly

A very special thank you to the kind donors that supported with their generosity. Thank you very much!

Furthermore, thank you to all the parents and supporters during this competition. Great team work and collaboration all around!

And finally, a huge thank you and congratulations to Shifu for all of his efforts with our athletes. Jia you!

Article featuring our Team Canada Wushu Champions!!

On December 2022, the York Region Times published an article on the victorious Team Canada wushu athletes, coaches and delegation officials.

Here is the article below and the original article below.

Jia you!




在國際武聯IWUF秘書長張秋平、印度尼西亞總統佐科·維多多 Joko Widodo、印尼青年與體育部長翟努丁·阿馬里(Zainudin Amali)、印尼國家體育委員會主席瑪律恰諾·諾曼(Marciano Norman)、印尼國家奧會執行委員會委員賈迪·拉賈·古古(Jadi Raja Gukguk)和印尼武術協會全體執委會委員,印尼高級經濟部長兼印尼武術協會主席艾朗加·哈塔托(Airlangga Hartarto)的共同見證下,第八屆世界青少年武術錦標賽舉行開幕儀式並順利進行。

加拿大武術團體聯合總會會長兼國際武聯執委鄧華師傅表示,今屆加拿大代表隊獲得很好的成積,分別取得1金1銀4銅佳績。其中包括:B組 的 Lia Mun-Lei Tang-Ruggiero 取得長拳銀牌、刀術銅牌及棍術金牌。而 C組的Fan Li 取得刀術銅牌 、Sophia Jiaqi Liao 取得棍術銅牌,以及散打55公斤級的Johnny Filtness 取得銅牌。

鄧華稱,我謹代表加拿大武術團體聯合總會感謝所有出席第8 屆世界青少年武術錦標賽的教練員、運動員和家長們的團隊精神,共同努力,才能取得到優異的成績。也感謝加拿大境內所有的會友對比賽過程中的支持和關心,給予我們團隊在精神上的鼓勵和力量,特別感謝Alan Tang 做了大量賽前和比賽過程中的準備工作、我們將繼續努力為2026 青少年奧運做好準備。


鄧華續稱,閉幕儀式由印尼體育部長兼副總統穆罕默德優素福卡拉Muhammad Jusuf Kalla主持,原來這位副總統也研習詠春拳,在閉幕儀式後,更與他互相研究黐手。此外,他亦要特別感謝印尼高級經濟部長兼印尼武術協會主席艾朗加·哈塔托Airlangga Hartarto的熱情款待,尤其是在比賽期間,往返酒店與會場,都安排了警車開路,值得贊賞。


第八屆世界青少年武術錦標賽分為套路和散打兩個組別,1. 套路A組:出生年份:2004年、2005、2006年、2007年。第三套國際武術競賽套路:長拳、刀術、劍術、棍術、槍術; 南拳、南刀、南棍; 太極拳、太極劍、太極扇; 對練。B組:出生年份:2008年、2009年、2010年。第一套國際武術競賽套路:長拳、刀術、劍術、棍術、槍術; 南拳、南刀、南棍; 太極拳(42式); 太極劍(42式)。C組:出生年份:2011年、2012年、2013年、2014年。初級套路:長拳(第三路)、刀術、劍術、棍術、槍術


2. 散打分為青年組:出生年份:2005年、2006年、2007年。男子專案(8):48公斤級、52公斤級、56公斤級、60公斤級、65公斤級、70公斤級、75公斤級、80公斤級。女子專案(4):48公斤級、52公斤級、56公斤級、60公斤級少年組:出生年份:2008年、2009年、2010年。男子專案(5):42公斤級、45公斤級、48公斤級、52公斤級、56公斤級。

Team Canada champion featured in media for World Junior Wushu Championships

The media group Xinhua featured a series of photos from the 2022 World Junior Wushu Championships and covered a few of the athletes during their taolu routines.

Lia Tang-Ruggiero was featured in one of these photos during his bronze-medal Daoshu performance.

Check it out here!

Support our Team Canada Members

Donate to Send Our Students to Worlds!

Wayland Li Wushu is sending eight athletes to the 8th World Junior Wushu Championships being held in Indonesia from Dec 5-11. This is the first time our school has placed 8 athletes on the Canadian National Team. We are so proud of their hard work and commitment.

The cost of traveling to Indonesia, and all the preparation involved, incurs a significant expense for our athletes and their families. To help them, we have started a GoFundMe and all proceeds will be put toward helping our students. Any donation you can provide is much appreciated.

Please help support our amazing athletes by clicking the GoFundMe link here: https://gofund.me/9605c5a2

Thank you for your kindness!